People often seek the fastest and least costly option for just about everything, including beautification, but when it comes to dermaplaning you want to leave that to professionals (who have the necessary professional tools). At Palo Alto Laser and Skin Care, we are often asked if dermaplaning and shaving your face are the “same thing”—and that’s a definitive no. The basic concept is the same, but you’re going to get much better, longer-lasting results with dermaplaning. Here’s why.
There have long been various methods for removing the hair from the face, and all yield different results. It’s also not uncommon for women to use the same razor on their legs to quickly get rid of their moustache. You’ve also probably noticed that when you do that, the hair grows back quickly. Simply put, the razors you use on your legs and underarms cannot get as close to your skin as dermaplaning (and that’s a good thing). If you were to use a professional dermaplaning tool on your legs, the risk of nicks and more serious cuts would skyrocket. Plus, dermaplaning does a lot more than remove hair.
The History of Dermaplaning
What we call dermaplaning today is a bit different than dermaplaning from years’ past. In mid-century, “dermaplaning” was a surgical procedure to help with acne scarring. About 15 years ago, scalpels became the primary tool to “dermaplane.” This is the dermaplaning we know, a technique to remove both peach fuzz and dead skin cell’s from the skin’s surface as a means of exfoliation. Some may call it facial shaving, but it’s much more precise than that. However, dermaplaning as a concept is nothing new. Facial shaving using tools specifically designed for this area in women has been the norm in various pars of Asia and northern Africa for centuries.
The quality of your results is going to depend on the skill of your dermaplaning professional (and the tools they use). Dermaplaning can remove terminal hair (thick, coarse hair like a moustache), vellus hair (peach fuzz), debris, and dead skin cells. When all of that is removed, skin is left baby soft, smooth, and glowing. Of course, the results of dermaplaning aren’t permanent and many people opt for monthly dermaplaning appointments. It’s also common to book a facial right after dermaplaning because topicals absorb much better when you get rid of hair and dead skin cells in the way. One popular option is to combine dermaplaning with a HydraFacial appointment.
Why Dermaplane?
Dermaplaning is a kind of exfoliation, which means it can also help reduce the appearance of acne scarring and hyperpigmentation. If you want a more aggressive approach to getting rid of these common issues, chemical peels, microneedling, or laser skin rejuvenation may be a better choice. Dermaplaning is typically considered safe with no contraindications regardless of your skin tone and type, but if you are prone to acne, cold sores, or rosacea, dermaplaning does come with a risk of triggering a flare-up. Talk to your provider during your consultation or prior to your appointment if this is a concern.
And if you are tempted to shave your face at home (using a traditional razor), at the bare minimum use a fresh blade every time. This is also what your aesthetician will do with a professional-grade dermaplaning scalpel. Dull blades are a leading cause of nicks, and nicks on the face have a high chance of scarring and/or hyperpigmentation because of the constant UV exposure. A much safer solution is to stick with dermaplaning from a professional where you can get the best, safest results.
Get Summer-Ready
Dermaplaning can be performed year-round, but is especially popular in the summer months when you want your skin to be at its best. Unlike some other treatments, like lasers, you don’t have to avoid the sun any more than usual post-dermaplaning. Always wear medical-grade sunscreen, of course, but otherwise feel confident booking your dermaplaning appointment whenever, as there is no downtime. Add on that HydraFacial for an extra boost of glow and rejuvenation.
We look forward to helping you create a customized skin care regimen just for you, your skin, and your goals. Consultations are complimentary for all procedures and treatments. Contact Palo Alto Laser and Skin Care today by calling the office or filling out the online contact form.