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Comparing Morpheus8 with Microneedling

Comparing Morpheus8 with Microneedling | Palo Alto Laser

Morpheus8 is a type of microneedling that take the original microneedling to the next level. Many microneedling clients at Palo Alto Laser and Skin Care have quickly shifted to Morpheus8 to achieve better, clearer, healthier, more youthful skin. Morpheus8 combines microneedling with radiofrequency (RF) energy to double down on collagen stimulation. It’s more effective than traditional microneedling, but it’s not just the RF energy that makes such a big difference. The needles in Morpheus8 also reach deeper into the skin in order to deliver that energy. That means you’re stimulating collagen production on different and deeper levels.

There’s a good reason Morpheus8 is beloved by so many celebrities, including Kim Kardashian. You can lighten fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, make pores appear smaller, an improve tone and texture with a quick 30-minute appointment. Plus, Morpheus8 can even help with toning and sculpting. Some use it for improving the appearance of their abs, buttocks, and other body parts, too. Since Morpheus8 reaches the fatty tissue, texture and elasticity of the skin anywhere on the face and body can be improved. It’s even touted as helping with stretch marks and cellulite.

Is Morpheus8 Right for You?

Morpheus8 is more intense than traditional microneedling, so a numbing agent is applied to the treatment site first. You’ll feel a heat sensation during the procedure itself, but it is considered tolerable by most clients. A few passes are needed at different frequencies to optimize results. It’s very common to be red after the treatment, but this effect will subside quickly. Still, if a special event is coming up, you may want to give yourself 48 hours to “recover” from Morpheus8. Everyone’s skin responds differently, and if you’re sensitive or prone to redness, know that Morpheus8 can leave you with a little sunburned look for a few hours.

It’s important to keep the skin clean for the first two days, so those who wear makeup should avoid it during this time. However, certain medical-grade serums may be helpful in the healing process. In fact, upgrading your topicals is a great addition to any microneedling or Morpheus8 treatment. Talk to your provider during your consultation or before this treatment about your skin concerns and goals. Having a professional add key serums right after Morpheus8 can help you heal quicker and achieve even better results—and you can purchase medical-grade products to improve your at-home regimen, too. Moisturizers, specialized serums for certain skin issues, cleansers, toners, and of course sunscreens are paramount for beautiful skin.

Morphing to Beauty

Sometimes you might notice rough texture or light flakiness as the skin begins to heal. This can last around one week on average, but it’s unlikely anyone else will notice. However, keep in mind that you won’t see the results from Morpheus8 (or any microneedling) right away. This treatment works via collagen induction therapy, and collagen needs time to get synthesized. You will start to see results about one month after each treatment, with full results at 3 – 6 months. Just like regular microneedling, you may want to design a continuous Morpheus8 treatment plan to keep those ultimate results.

Morpheus8 works, but it takes patience. Give yourself at least one month to see results. You’ll notice your skin looking bouncier with scars lightening and texture improving. And the best part? Results from Morpheus8 can last up to one year, much longer than traditional microneedling. Many clients only schedule maintenance sessions every few months, rather than the monthly routine sessions recommended with regular microneedling.

Preparing for Morpheus8

All ages and skin tones may be suitable for Morpheus8. However, if you have open lesions or certain conditions like eczema or psoriasis, you may need to wait until your skin exacerbation has calmed down or healed before getting this treatment. Morpheus8 is considered a minimally invasive procedure because it does use needles, and that can trigger or worsen conditions. A consultation can help determine if Morpheus8 is the right treatment now. If not, we can help you with a medical-grade topical to soothe and heal skin so that it is a better match for more invasive treatments like Morpheus8 and microneedling.

Discover the power of collagen induction when there are two methods happening at once. Schedule your consultation or appointment for Morpheus8 today by calling Palo Alto Laser and Skin Care or simply complete the online contact form.

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