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Thermage FLX Skin Tightening

5 Reasons to Fall in Love with the No-Scalpel Facelift

What if you could get the results of a facelift or neck lift without surgery or downtime? You can with Thermage FLX, a state-of-the-art treatment available at Palo Alto Laser and Skin Care. It’s been called a tool to delay and even prevent the need for an early facelift and uses radiofrequency (RF) technology to tone and tighten skin on the face, jawline, and neck. Capable of treating this delicate skin, Thermage FLX works by sending heat deep into the skin’s collagen-rich layers to restructure existing, lapsing collagen while also “telling” the body to produce more collagen. The end result is a visible lift to the skin and improvement of crepe-like appearances, even around the eyes. Thermage FLX minimizes lines and wrinkles without negatively affecting the skin’s surface.

How Thermage Works

This is great for younger patients who aren’t quite ready for a facelift or mini-lift yet—but want to see quick improvement. Thermage FLX requires less than an hour per treatment session, with approximately 10 minutes needed for smaller areas such as around the eyes or on the brow. You might feel a prickling sensation during your treatment, but no anesthesia is necessary. Topical numbing creams may be applied for sensitive areas.

Benefits of Thermage FLX

The best part about Thermage FLX is that you only need one treatment. You can also combine Thermage FLX with other non-surgical treatments like laser skin resurfacing or dermal fillers to take results to the next level. Think Thermage FLX might be for you? Let’s consider some of the perks—and why everyone is falling in love with this treatment.

  • It’s completely non-invasive. Surgery, such as a facelift, comes with inherent risks. There is a risk to any surgery, and undergoing elective procedures like these isn’t for everyone. Plus, surgery means significant downtime and scarring. Even the “best” facelifts are going to have incisions. If you want to avoid surgery but still enjoy the outcomes of a facelift, Thermage FLX can help—with results that last for several months.
  • It’s totally customizable. Thermage FLX has a variety of handheld tools designed to treat different areas. Plus, with just one treatment needed, it’s flexible enough to fit into even the busiest of schedules.
  • There’s no downtime. Unlike other procedures (like a facelift) there’s no downtime with Thermage FLX. You might look red or pink right after the treatment, but that goes away in a few hours. Most people get immediately back to their day, and some even go to big events that same night! However, we recommend scheduling Thermage FLX a week in advance of any major event just in case of any lingering redness. Side effects of this treatment are rare and mild.
  • Results look all-natural. The great thing about Thermage FLX is that it harnesses your body’s natural fountain of youth. There are no incisions, so no risk of skin looking strangely stretched. You’re not putting anything foreign into your body. All you’re doing is stimulating collagen production, revitalizing the collagen that’s already there, and sitting back to enjoy organic results that reveal themselves in the weeks and months following your treatment.
  • Thermage FLX gives you results that last. Since Thermage FLX is stimulating collagen production, that means results are going to last. On average, these results last two years or more—but you can always opt for more Thermage FLX in the future. There’s no max or cap on this treatment, and to sustain results it’s a good idea to schedule maintenance sessions every 2.5 years on average.

Just like every other type of treatment, this is technician-dependent. That means that you’re going to get better results when you work with a provider who is reputable and highly skilled with the technology. At Palo Alto Laser and Skin Care, we are more than a medical day spa. Zuzana Likar trains every staff member to the highest of standards, which means you are going to get the best results.

Ready to see what Thermage FLX can do for you … and your collagen? Schedule your complimentary consultation at Palo Alto Laser and Skin Care today by calling the office or completing the online form.

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