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BotoxChemical PeelsFillersMicroneedling

3 Sets of “Perfect Pairs” You’re Going to Love

3 Sets of “Perfect Pairs” You’re Going to Love | Palo Alto Laser & Skin Care

Combination treatments are a great way to maximize your results, and at Palo Alto Laser and Skin Care we have plenty of options! The best way to start is with a complimentary consultation so we can discuss your goals and how to get there. Also known as dual treatments, coupling up treatments lets you tackle more skin concerns and get the outcome you want faster. In fact, it’s rare that one treatment will really be able to do everything you want, and many options are so gentle that you can undergo more than one during the same appointment.

Let’s take a look at some of the most popular pairings.

Botox and Fillers

Botox and fillers have been close bedmates for years because they tackle two very different signs of aging: wrinkles and lost volume. Botox and its counterparts can stop lines and wrinkles for up to six months or prevent them from happening (also known as pre-juvenation). Botox injections “freeze” the muscles that cause unwanted lines and wrinkles, but can also be used for a number of other issues such as excessive sweating, migraines, and even the lip flip (to reduce a gummy smile).

However, Botox does not give volume—that’s dermal fillers. Most fillers are made of synthetic hyaluronic acid (HA), which provides instant volume just about anywhere including the lips, cheeks, jawline, temples, and tops of the hands. You can restore volume that you’ve lost over the years or insert it where you’ve always wanted it. For those who want a more natural approach, some dermal fillers are actually collagen induction injections. This means your body will produce collagen as a “filler” in the weeks and months following the injection.

Microneedling and HydraFacial

You’ve probably heard of the HydraFacial or maybe you’ve already fallen in love with it. This 3-in-1 procedure exfoliates, extracts the pores, and bathes the skin in medical-grade skin care products in just 30 minutes. Using a wet vac approach, this luxury treatment leaves skin soft and supple. It’s so gentle that there’s no downtime, and a lot of clients get a HydraFacial the day of a big event. How could it get any better?

Microneedling, of course. Microneedling has been a collagen induction therapy for over 100 years. This treatment creates tiny micro-channels in the skin which, over time, “tells” the body to produce youth-ifying collagen at the treatment site. It works well with the HydraFacial because those tiny injuries open up the skin to best receive topicals. Starting a HydraFacial with microneedling simply ensures your skin makes the most of the facial while still working hard at collagen production below the surface.

Superficial Peels and Dermaplaning

A superficial or light chemical peel “peels” away the top layer of skin. The result is two-fold: it reveals clearer, younger-looking skin below the surface but also kick-starts collagen production. Many of today’s peels are equal parts powerful and gentle, and you might not even notice skin “peeling” like with more aggressive peels—but don’t worry, the results will still be the same. However, a chemical peel works best on a very clean surface.

Dermaplaning is both an exfoliant and a remover of peach fuzz. These light hairs and other debris sitting on the skin’s surface make it tough for a light peel to do its best work. By starting a chemical peel with dermaplaning, you can ensure you’ll get the best results from the peel and enjoy skin that is baby-smooth. These two procedures are so gentle that they can even be used monthly.

Designing Your Treatment Plan

These are just three examples of popular pairings that might be a great match for you. However, we pride ourselves on customizing every treatment plan for each unique client. If you want to find out how to get your best skin this summer, let’s work together. Here, Zuzana Likar trains every staff member to exceptional standards so you can rest easy knowing you’re in the best possible hands. Contact Palo Alto Laser and Skin Care today to schedule your complimentary consultation by completing the online form or calling the office.

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