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Just 3 Injectables to Totally Transform Your Aesthetic

Just 3 Injectables to Totally Transform Your Aesthetic | Palo Alto Laser

What if you could transform your look and turn back the clock with just three minimally-invasive treatments? You can at Palo Alto Laser and Skin Care, where every aesthetician is personally trained and supervised by Zuzana Likar to the highest of standards. We offer the latest in all non-invasive and minimally-invasive treatments, including a suite of injectables to help you achieve the results you want and deserve. Many injectables offer immediate or quick results, which means you can get the ultimate outcome by summer’s end. Take a look at these three must-have options for the ultimate transformation:


No injectable regimen is complete without this popular neuromodulator. However, Botox can do much more than freeze lines and wrinkles. Increasingly, younger clients are using it as a form or pre-juvenation, training the muscles that cause wrinkles to be too weak to form them in the first place. Botox has long been used as a tool for stopping excessive sweating and preventing migraines, but it’s also in high demand for treating gummy smiles.

The lip flip requires extreme preciseness and an expert touch. This procedure calls for small amounts of Botox to be injected along the upper lip line. This causes the lip to “flip” upward and out, providing the appearance of a fuller lip while hiding a gummy smile. Maintenance sessions are required every three months since this is a hyper-mobile area. Of course, if you’re interested in real fullness in both lips, dermal fillers might be the solution for you.

Dermal fillers

Most fillers are made of a synthetic version of hyaluronic acid (HA), which means that results are immediate (while results of Botox and the lip flip can take 3 – 7 days on average). Dermal fillers are appropriate in virtually every part of the face as well as the tops of the hands. While lip fillers remain popular, increasingly there has been a more holistic approach to dermal fillers. Gone are the days when most clients benefitted from “just” fillers in one area. Experts are looking at the whole face and how fillers can create stunning, organic results.

One of the most popular current approaches for facial fillers is in enhancing the heart-shaped dynamic. This typically calls for fillers in the temples, cheeks, and along the jawline and/or chin. These are all common areas where we lose “good” fat as we get older, as well as definition. Take a look at photos of elders and you will see a clear loss of volume in these regions—as well as below the eyes, tops of the hands, and lips. With HA dermal fillers, we can reverse this process and restore volume you’ve lost (or add volume where you’ve always wanted it).


You don’t have to be overweight to have a double chin. Many people struggle with this, which is often the result of genetics. Kybella actually dissolves the fat that causes a double chin in a series of injections. Using synthetic deoxycholic acid, 4 – 6 treatments spaced one month apart are recommended for most clients. Kybella uses a “stamp” tool so that you receive multiple injections at once, which drastically minimizes appointment times and discomfort. You will start to see dramatic results after one month, but full results take some time. Start your Kybella journey now and you’ll see full results by the year’s end.

Of course, if double chins are caused by a combination of fat pockets and skin laxity, you may need to pair Kybella with Thermage FLX, laser skin rejuvenation, or some other form of skin laxity treatment. We will examine your skin during your consultation and put together a custom action plan based on your needs and goals.

These three injectables are fast, relatively comfortable, and provide stunning results. Downtime is minimal, though some redness, swelling, and bruising may occur in the days following the treatment. Most people get right back to their day, but you should plan on scheduling these treatments at least one week before a big event. To find out more and book your complimentary consultation, contact Palo Alto Laser and Skin Care today by calling the office or filling out the online contact form now.

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