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Chemical PeelsHydrafacial

Three Services Only an Aesthetician Should Perform

Three Services Only an Aesthetician Should Perform

What’s the difference between a facial at home and a peel in-office? Isn’t shaving your face the same as dermaplaning? These are some of the questions we get at Palo Alto Laser and Skin Care, and it’s important to know that there’s no comparing an at-home treatment with what an aesthetician can provide—especially when those skin care experts have been personally trained by Zuzana Likar. Aestheticians provide a wide range of services, and here are the top three you need before the end of summer.

Chemical peels

A chemical peel is completely different than a facial (though there are also in-office facials available, too). Peels come in light/superficial depth and medium depth, and can be comprised of a variety of ingredients, including chemicals that peel away the top layer of skin. A peel removes the top skin layer(s) in order to get rid of superficial issues such as light lines and pigmentation. However, it’s also performing work from the inside out. When the skin experiences a controlled trauma, like a peel, it starts producing more collagen at the treatment site. That’s why the results of your peel continue to look better and better even after any flaking, peeling, and redness has subsided. No peel should ever be performed at home. Unlike facials (which simply apply topicals that your skin soaks up), peels must be carefully controlled and removed at the perfect time by a professional. If applied at home, you risk serious and permanent damage to your skin. Peels are available in our office for all skin types and can help address a number of issues from wrinkles and laxity to dullness and light scarring.


While there are countless “facials” available at clinics and medical day spas, nothing compares to the HydraFacial. It is a 3-in-1 treatment that exfoliates, extracts debris from the pores, and bathes the face in medical-grade skin care products in just 30 luxurious minutes. The technology uses a “wet vac” approach, and one of the best parts of a HydraFacial is being able to see just how much gunk was hiding on your face (your aesthetician cleanses your face first, so everything you see in the HydraFacial tube was embedded in your skin). There is no downtime and you leave your appointment with unbelievably clear, healthy, smooth skin. Plus, every HydraFacial treatment is different because your aesthetician will select a customized choice of medical-grade products based on your skin’s current needs. When skin is properly exfoliated and pores are clear, your skin can better “soak up” these products so you can see what they can really do.


Beginning a peel or HydraFacial with dermaplaning helps to make the most of your results because there’s no “peach fuzz” to get in the way. However, dermaplaning can also be a great standalone treatment as it is also a form of exfoliation that gets rid of surface-level debris, too. This is not like shaving your face in the shower. Proper, aesthetician-provided dermaplaning requires a specialized scalpel to remove this debris and fuzz in a safe manner. Otherwise, you can risk subpar results or accidental nicks and cuts.

All three of these services—peels, the HydraFacial, and dermaplaning—can be used routinely to improve and sustain you results. HydraFacials and dermaplaning are often performed monthly while the schedule for peels depends on the type of peel and your skin. However, light peels can easily be undertaken every few weeks.

Complimentary consultations are available on all treatments, including aesthetician treatments, so you know you’re getting the best, professional-grade treatment possible to achieve the results you deserve quickly and safely. These are just a few of the most popular aesthetician services available to both men and women. If you are looking for an in-office indulgence that will make your skin more youthful and healthier, we have all of the treatments you need. Schedule a consultation or appointment with Palo Alto Laser and Skin Care today by giving us a call or completing the online form.

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