Intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy and broadband light (BBL) therapy are both sometimes called photo-rejuvenation therapy. Both of these therapies are very popular options at Palo Alto Laser and Skin Care, where Zuzana Likar trains all of the staff to her impeccable standards. You should only trust laser specialists for any laser or energy-based treatment because it is not just the technology that yields safe, effective results but also the skill of the provider. If you are just starting to research laser skin rejuvenation, you have likely come across IPL and BBL—but what are the differences and similarities between the two?
Both IPL and BBL work by sending light energy into the skin. Once it reaches its target (such as a brown spot), it is turned into heat. The target, or chromophore, is any type of pigment in the skin such as a freckle, redness from a blood vessel, bacteria that causes acne, or a hair pigment (as this technology is also effectively used for hair reduction).
When the heat meets the target, it gets absorbed and damages the tissue. The target is destroyed and will eventually be safely absorbed and eliminated by the body. At the same time, the natural healing response in the body begins. This encourages collagen and elastin synthesis, key ingredients that make skin appear youthful, healthy, bright, and taut.
BBL Overview
Even though IPL and BBL are energy-based devices, they still fall under the umbrella category of “laser skin rejuvenation” (not all laser treatments actually use lasers). Energy-based therapy has actually been one of the most common and reliable methods for treating hyperpigmentation, photodamage, vascularity problems, wrinkles, and other signs of aging for over a decade.
BBL is the most advanced and newest of all light therapies, and today it’s the gold standard for treating pigmentation issues, various aging concerns, and promises little downtime with great long-term benefits. BBL is very accurate and allows for incredible personalization. It can also help with rosacea, bruising, and general skin rejuvenation. Treatment for acne is also possible, which marks a new advancement in the world of “laser” skin rejuvenation. Studies have shown that BBL actually stops cellular aging, literally turning back the clock by making the skin cell’s DNA expression revert to a younger state. This is further achieved with the maintenance Forever Young BBL technology.
IPL: The Original
Intense pulsed light is the original BBL technology. Unfortunately, there are many types of IPL machines available and they aren’t all created equally. If you notice a so-called IPL treatment offered at a place like a beauty salon, steer clear. This is likely a subpar machine that may be being handled by ill-trained professionals. High-quality IPL machines can and do still deliver great results, but (as always) you should only trust a reputable laser specialist.
Ultimately, since BBL is the second iteration of IPL, most clients prefer to use the latest technology. That’s understandable. However, some clients have fallen in love with IPL and will not be swayed—and that’s okay with us, too. That’s why we continue to offer IPL. However, if you’re a fan of IPL and have yet to try BBL, it might be time to treat yourself. You’ll quickly see why the latest technology is even better and more accurate than your tried-and-true favorite.
Forever Young BBL
What happens when you have achieved the healthiest, clearest, most youthful skin possible with BBL or IPL? It’s time for the Forever Young BBL therapy. This maintenance-focused technology truly delays the sign of aging. It does not treat specific concerns (that’s what BBL does). Forever Young BBL is the first and only treatment to turn back the aging process and it can be used on all skin tones and types. It also improves the appearance of skin that is photodamaged while simultaneously reversing signs of aging such as skin laxity, age spots, wrinkles, lines, and poor texture.
Studies have shown that routine BBL treatments 2 – 4 times per year delay signs of aging. The study also found that of 2,265 genes who had expressions altered in aged skin, 1,293 were able to be fully restored to those found in younger skin after the Forever Young BBL treatments. It is recommended that clients undergo four Forever Young BBL treatments per year for optimal results with no adverse events.
What can BBL, IPL, and Forever Young BBL do for you? Find out during your complimentary consultation with a Palo Alto Laser and Skin Care specialist—book yours today.