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MicroneedlingMorpheus Skin Tightening

Meet Morpheus8—Your New Favorite Hybrid

Meet Morpheus8—Your New Favorite Hybrid | Palo Alto Laser

Microneedling is arguably one of the oldest beauty treatments that is still widely used. It was invented at the turn of the last century and initially intended to help in the treatment of wounds in veterans. However, it’s come a long way in the past 120+ years, and today it combines multiple forms of collagen induction therapy. Microneedling, from the beginning, works by kick-starting collagen production at the treatment site. Several tiny needles puncture the skin in order to create micro-channels (also called micro-traumas). This isn’t painful given the size of the needles, but can understandably be dangerous if you try a DIY approach. That’s why you should only trust skilled professionals—such as aestheticians at Palo Alto Laser and Skin Care trained by Zuzana Likar—with your microneedling needs.

Microneedling does not offer immediate results because collagen takes time to form. You may notice that the skin is a little pink right after the treatment, but this dissipates in a few hours. Many clients opt for monthly microneedling sessions to sustain their results. However, with the latest rendition of microneedling—Morpheus8—you don’t need such routine treatments and you’ll see bigger results faster. Here’s why.

Radiofrequency Energy

Morpheus8 is a type of microneedling treatment that also delivers radiofrequency (RF) energy deep into the skin’s surface via the needles. Not only are you getting a double dose of collagen induction, these needles also go deeper than any previous microneedling system. A numbing agent is applied to the skin prior to the treatment to optimize comfort. Morpheus8 became a celebrity favorite as soon as it was released because it works from the inside out and you’ll see real results within one month.

The exact number of initial Morpheus8 treatments you will need is going to depend on various factors including the condition of your skin and your age. However, a lot of clients find that they are 100 percent happy after only one treatment. We can discuss your goals during a complimentary consultation and also consider complementary treatments to optimize results.

Taking Advantage of Skin’s Openness

All forms of microneedling, including Morpheus8, open up the skin with hundreds or thousands of punctures. Skin heals quickly, so these channels don’t stay open for long. However, it’s a good idea to take advantage of this timeframe and opt for a facial or simply apply medical-grade products right after the microneedling treatment. Topicals can go deeper and work better when there are tiny channels for them to access. This is also a great reminder to reassess your at-home skincare regimen.

Facials can also help soothe and calm the skin. Combining therapies as well as hybrid devices are an excellent way to compound your progress. If you’re not sure which complementary treatment might be best for you, get in touch and we’ll work together to figure it out.

Why Microneedling and RF?

Both microneedling and RF energy are proven methods for “telling” your body to start producing collagen. We all slow down on collagen production as we age, but these treatments put the control back into your hands. Just bear in mind that collagen doesn’t last forever, whether it’s totally natural or from a treatment. That’s why all collagen induction treatments recommend maintenance sessions every few months. Also, since collagen induction is a slow and steady process, it’s a good idea to take before and progress photos weekly after your treatments.

Morpheus8 is one of the newest technologies available in our medical day spa, and we can’t wait to introduce you to our other treatments to help with light scarring, hyperpigmentation, lines, wrinkles, laxity, poor texture, and more. Morpheus8 is suitable for men and women with any skin tone and type and does not cause hypopigmentation (like some lasers do—but we also have lasers for all skin tones). To find out more or to book your consultation or appointment, contact us today. Call Palo Alto Laser and Skin Care during business hours or, for an even faster response, complete the online contact form now.

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