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Tattoo Removal

No Tattoos are the New Tattoos: Remove More Ink Now

No Tattoos are the New Tattoos

Gone are the days when tattoos were reserved for a select handful of rebels. Today, clear skin is trending and Palo Alto Laser and Skin Care has seen an influx of patients more interested in tattoo removal than ever before. We offer the latest technology for removing tattoos, including the Alex TriVantage and PicoWay lasers. Both are capable of treating multicolor tattoos and tougher pigments.

The Alex TriVantage features wavelengths including 755nm, 1064 nm, and 532nm, this means we can treat even the most complex of tattoos. This laser can also treat a variety of pigmented lesions, meaning that you can remove tattoos and other colored spots in one appointment. This laser has won the American Spa’s Professional’s Choice Awards because it combines a lot of power with a soft touch. Get optimal laser energy delivery while reducing skin injury and downtime.

No Color is Too Tough

In year’s past, only certain tattoos could be removed. “Fading it” was a better term for those with colored tattoos, but state of the art technology has changed everything. The Alex TriVantage can even reduce the visibility of greens and blues. You can enjoy the same performance of pigment disruption regardless of the tattoo color with intense pulsed-laser (IPL) tech. For those who also want to get rid of lentigines, freckles, age spots, and other benign colored spots, this laser might be a great fit.

The PicoWay laser is another great option for tattoo removal. It’s often considered the gold standard and has also been FDA-cleared to help with wrinkles, acne scars, and benign pigmented areas. However, it’s the ability to remove even deep and stubborn colors that makes the PicoWay option stand out. Currently, it offers the quickest pulses of any other picosecond laser available. That means it’s more comfortable and there’s no downtime.

How PicoWay Works

A picosecond is one trillionth of a second. These extra-short pulses cause photoacoustics, which minimizes some of the side effects common in earlier tattoo removal lasers including scarring and extended downtime. Skin might look a little pink for a few hours after your treatment, but clients can immediately get back to their usual daily activities. You can even apply your usual skin care products and makeup right after getting tattoo removal.

PicoWay lasers get below the skin to break up pigments. Unwanted pigments are destroyed so quickly that there’s no chance for the skin to overheat. Whether you want to vanquish a tattoo or a collection of melanin that presents as a dark spot, PicoWay can be a great fit for your skin goals. Simultaneously, it kick-starts collagen production—the secret to youthful and glowing skin.

Clearing Up Your Skin with the Right Lasers

It seems like it’s more common in the United States for a person to have a tattoo than not. As more and more people are interested in tattoo removal, technology is keeping pace. You will need multiple sessions no matter which laser is used, with the exact number depending on multiple factors such as the age of the tattoo, colors, and depth. However, you will also start to see results shortly after each session. Once unwanted pigments are vaporized with the laser, the fragments will be safely and naturally absorbed and removed by the body.

There are many reasons a client is interested in tattoo removal. Some just no longer like their tattoos, it could be a poor-quality tattoo, and some clients want to “clear up space” for new, better tattoos. No matter your reason for wanting tattoo removal, it’s important to work with an expert who has the tools and experience to achieve the best results.

Results You’ll Love

Tattoos don’t have to be forever—and neither do other kinds of pigmented lesions. Lasers are capable of quickly and safety getting rid of ink that no longer suits you. “Forever” is a lot longer than many people expect, and it can be nearly impossible to choose a design that you’ll love for life. However, beautiful, clear skin is always in style.

Both the PicoWay and Alex TriVantage are able to tackle even the toughest of tattoos. If you have a multi-colored tattoo, a tattoo that sits deep in the skin, or a tattoo that is several years old, that is no longer a reason to have to keep it forever. The right laser can drastically reduce its appearance. Palo Alto Laser and Skin Care offers complimentary consultations on all cosmetic procedures. Complete the contact form online now to book your complimentary consult or call the office today.

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