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Thermage FLX Skin Tightening

Knees Reveal Signs of Aging: Thermage FLX Can Help—but Ultherapy Can’t

Knees Reveal Signs of Aging: Thermage FLX Can Help | Palo Alto Laser

There’s a lot more that reveals your age than lines and wrinkles on the face. That’s why Palo Alto Laser and Skin Care offers the latest, most effective treatments for holistic anti-aging, such as Thermage FLX. It’s the most innovative means of tightening skin without surgery, besting its predecessor Ultherapy by offering tightening virtually anywhere on the body. You might be surprised when you look at photos from this past summer to find that your knees look older than your face. That’s right, the knees actually reveal your age and it’s time for these neglected joints to get a little TLC.

According to plastic surgeons interviewed for FEMAIL, the knees don’t just show signs of aging but are actually the first place in which aging appears. Even those in their twenties can have unsightly, elephant-esque sagging at the knee. Plastic surgery for sagging knees is technically possible, but would of course require a visible scar. Instead, Thermage FLX can tighten the skin on the knee (and anywhere else!) in just 45 minutes per treatment site.

What is Thermage FLX?

Unlike Ultherapy, which uses ultrasound technology, Thermage FLX uses radiofrequency to tighten and smooth the skin. The heat can get into the layers of the skin with collagen, “telling” it to tighten the collagen that’s there while stimulating new collagen production. Collagen is the natural, secret ingredient to youthful skin, but we produce less as we age. According to cosmetic surgeons, there has been a recent spike in patients wanting knee tightening, with an estimated 200 percent increase in consultations for this procedure in the past year alone.

Ultherapy can also be an effective tool for tightening skin, but it is not available for the body. In fact, Ultherapy is only approved for the neck, lower face, and brows. The results of Ultherapy are solid, but it is very limited. Even if you opt for Thermage FLX on your neck or face as well as your body, the results of Ultherapy and Thermage FLX are comparable. That’s why we exclusively carry Thermage FLX. We want our clients to have every possible option for skin tightening without limiting treatment areas to the neck and above.

Taking Stock of Summer Damage

A lot of clients clamored for Thermage FLX for the knees and other places at the start of summer. Now that autumn has arrived, a second wave of requests are rolling in as everyone looks back on their vacation photos. Plus, sun damage really starts to show up right now in the form of more skin laxity everywhere UV damage happened. Thermage FLX provides fast results within weeks of the treatment, and of course you can enhance results with a daily medical-grade moisturizer and sunscreen.

If you’ve noticed your knees have had it, you might also want to take a peek at your elbows. This is a body part that you don’t see on yourself often, but it can also make you look older than you are. It has the same issues with sagging skin as the knees. We might be inching into sweater weather, but if you plan on showing off your elbows come holiday party time, Thermage FLX treatments right now can get you party-ready.

Why Do Knees Age so Early

The knees have a big job of bearing weight. They are constantly in motion, demanding that the skin here stretch to accommodate movement. Plus, knees are routinely exposed to the sun (especially in sunny Palo Alto). All of these factors come together to make knees one of the first—if not the first—place to reveal our age. Additionally, we lose good fat/volume as we get older. The knees are one of the first places where this volume disappears, making lines and wrinkles even more pronounced.

Thermage FLX results start to appear right away, with improvement continuing for six additional months. Full results can last up to one year, and you can undergo Thermage FLX again to sustain results. Celebs like Demi Moore, Jennifer Aniston, and Gwyneth Paltrow have all touted the benefits of Thermage FLX. If you’d like to schedule a complimentary consultation for Thermage FLX, get in touch today! Contact Palo Alto Laser and Skin Care by calling the office or completing the online form now.

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